Summer 2020
Anagrams Multiplayer Game
An online multiplayer platform for playing anagrams (aka snatch)
Subway Commuter Congestion Modeling and Visualization
I applied optimal transport techniques to use turnstile data to model commuter flow in the nyc subway.
Summer 2016
Research Paper
Interactive Content
Network visualization in VR
A Collaborative Untethered Virtual Reality Environment for Interactive Social Network Visualization. arxiv.org/abs/1604.08239
Spring 2016
Research Paper
Summer 2015
Visualizing Large Networks
A platform for visualizing and manipulating large twitter communities in three dimensions
fall 2014
Health Analytics
A diagnostic study on the ability predict blood glucose measurements using machine learning techniques
summer 2014
The Giant Component
An interactive tool for visualizing the behavior of random graphs.
spring 2014
A web application and AI for playing the word game "snatch". The solver works especially well for large words.
West African News organization based in Bamako, Mali. Leading source for information about the northern parts of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso
fall 2013
Whitman Correspondence
Visualization of Walt Whitman's correspondence, scraped from whitmanarchive.org (a university of nebraska project)
fall 2013
Generative Scribbles
An attempt at 'artistic rendering' in real time with javascript. Makes use of brownian motion motion and mathematical morphology javascript tools I wrote.
fall 2013
Inertial Light
Small hardware device for visualizing the forces acting on it
summer 2013
Swarm Sandbox
Example usage of the swarming code (really just brownian motion) which I also use in this website
spring 2013
Realtime visualization of video projected into various colorspaces using three.js
spring 2013
Tearable MJ
video + fabric simulator + micheal jordan
Summer 2012
Real Mosaic
A desktop java application that analyses images and pre-defined distributions of bottle caps and provides instructions for assembling a mosaic
more on github
a list of sam royston's past projects